New MyHIPAA Guide launches today; catalogs over 40 federal government tools for compliance


  • Templates of Patient Privacy Notices to help achieve meaningful consent, available both in English and Spanish

  • Short videos that capture the essence of a risk assessment

  • Interactive tutorials, with fill-able PDFs, to help with risk assessment and disaster planning Sample provisions for Business Associate Agreements (BAA)

  • Guides that address specific issues, such as recommendations for safely reporting patient test results Interactive quizzes to test knowledge of the broad objectives of risk analysis

  • A beginners’ toolkit for government reporting under the Electronic Health Records Incentive Program.

For easy reference, MyHIPAA Guide is organized information around a 10 Step Plan for compliance, developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

A subscription to MyHIPAA Guide includes news updates, online forums for discussion with peers, and Q&As. MyHIPAA Guide is for informational purposes only. Commercial products will not be sold through the website.

The publisher is M.E.D. Media Mart LLC, a small business in Akron, Ohio, led by a former columnist for Knight Ridder Newspapers. The M.E.D. Media Mart team spent months scouring government web pages for up-to-day, user-friendly resources that could truly help organizations meet requirements for a transition to a data-driven health system. For more information, visit, or email Publisher Diane Evans at [email protected].

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New Social Media Course

MyHIPAA Guide is offering a new social media course that will help you protect your organization from potential privacy violations that result from social media

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10 Steps to Compliance