AKRON, Ohio – November 3, 2015 — For the first time, an online news and information service, at www.MyHIPAAGuide.com, gives healthcare providers news and commentary on evolving HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules, forums, a Q&A column, and easy, well-organized access to a library of federal government toolkits, videos, games and tutorials designed to help achieve HIPAA compliance.
The new service can benefit organizations of all sizes as they face government reporting requirements and audits for the first time. During this period seismic shift in the nation’s healthcare system, rules keep changing. MyHIPAA Guide will keep you updated on the latest publicly available information. Plus, new resources will be added as they become available. Our current library includes:
Templates of Patient Privacy Notices to help achieve meaningful consent, available both in English and Spanish
Short videos that capture the essence of a risk assessment
Interactive tutorials, with fill-able PDFs, to help with risk assessment and disaster planning Sample provisions for Business Associate Agreements (BAA)
Guides that address specific issues, such as recommendations for safely reporting patient test results Interactive quizzes to test knowledge of the broad objectives of risk analysis
A beginners’ toolkit for government reporting under the Electronic Health Records Incentive Program.
For easy reference, MyHIPAA Guide is organized information around a 10 Step Plan for compliance, developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
A subscription to MyHIPAA Guide includes news updates, online forums for discussion with peers, and Q&As. MyHIPAA Guide is for informational purposes only.
The publisher of MyHIPAA Guide is M.E.D. Media Mart LLC, a small business in Akron, Ohio, led by former media professionals from the Akron Beacon Journal. The M.E.D. Media Mart team spent months scouring government web pages for up-to-date, user-friendly resources that could truly help organizations meet requirements for a transition to a data-driven health system. For more information, visit www.MyHIPAAGuide.com, or email Publisher Diane Evans at [email protected].